Here is the final installment of the photos from Mallorca. These photos are from our final few days on the beautiful Spanish Island.
We decided to head to a beach on the west coast of the Island that was recommended in my Loney Planet Travel Guide. The beach was located at Cala Mondrago, but on the way we stopped at Porto Cristo. This was a nice little beach town, that was full with tourists. This is the beach at the port, with many beautiful houses on the mountain above. We decided we wouldn't swim here, because it was just too busy.
Another picture of the port at Porto Cristo. As with all of the ports on Mallorca, they are filled with expensive boats. Maybe next time we go there we take a boat cruise.
Another photo at the port.
Next we moved onto Cala Mondrago, the beach that we had planned to visit. It was just as the travel guide had described, however a little more touristy then I expected. I guess anywhere you go in Mallorca in August is going to be busy. The water here was beautiful, crystal clear, and perfect temperature.
A closer look at the beach.
At Cala Mondrago you were able to walk around to the beach on the other side of the rocks. This was the view from the walk way looking out to sea.
This photos is of the beach on the otherside of the rocks. Very very nice.
The following day we decided to go to the very popular (especially with German tourists) El Arenal . Going out here is similar to being in Germany, the clubs play only German music, and most of the people are German tourists. It was quite interesting, but not my favorite place on the island. The beach though is however spectacular, with a great view to the capital Palma.
On the final night we went to dinner. Was not a bad feed.
I also took a few photos from around the house. As I have said previously the house was great. This was the dining area.
This was a photo looking toward the pool in the back of the yard.
This was our bedroom for the first few nights.
The court yard at the back of the house.
This is Bello. He was a very funny dog. The funniest thing was he use to love to go for a walk, collect rocks, and place them infront of the neighbours fence. Lets say he wasn't too happy about it.
The view from our room, when we moved up stairs after a few days. Is very very nice. Would love to wake up to this everyday.
Another photo from our balcony. Well that just about does it for the photos from Mallorca. We all had a great time, and it was really really difficult leaving and coming back to rain and cold! I really hope we can do it again in the future.
Bye for now.
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