The weekend before Britty and myself went to Mallorca, we decided to take a trip to the local zoo. It wasn't that spectacular, but wasn't bad either. Here are some of the photos we took.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Driving to Bremen
When we were driving to Bremen, I took a few videos of us driving along the Autobahn. Here is one of them. In Germany all trucks are required to drive at a max speed of 80KM/hour, and they are not meant to pass each other between 6am and 11pm at night. Here is proof that most of them follow the rules! (This is also the first time I have tried to use YouTube Video. Lets hope it works!)
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Bremen Trip
Yesterday Britty and myself decided to visit Bremen, a city about 2 hours from Kiel. We had originally planed to go into Denmark, but in the end we were really happy with the decision to go south west rather than north. Here is a picture from Google maps, showing Bremen's location in Germany.
Bremen is a city of 550 000 people. It is a nice city, which reminded me a little of Frankfurt, without the high rise buildings. Here are the pictures we took.
Me standing in front of the very beautiful built Bremen City Hall. This area of the city is very nice, with shops, cafes, and heaps of places to sit in the autumn sun.
A closer picture of the St Petri Dom. This church is typical for Germany, with the Green roof that is usually the height of the skyline.
Britty and myself as usual decided to go to the top of bell tower. There were lots and lots of stairs, but the view was great. This was the cheapest Bell tower I have ever climbed. Only 1 Euro.
The Becks factory. Unfortunately the tours are only on Thursday - Saturday! The Becks shop was however opened for business.
Britty and myself had a great day in Bremen. In December we are looking at doing a more comprehensive tour of Germany, and seeing a lot more of this very beautiful country. When we work out the details I will post the tour route.
Until next time, keep well. Scott

Britty and myself had a great day in Bremen. In December we are looking at doing a more comprehensive tour of Germany, and seeing a lot more of this very beautiful country. When we work out the details I will post the tour route.
Until next time, keep well. Scott
Sunday, September 24, 2006
The world is a small place!
A few years back Sabine (on the left of the picture, of course!) use to work at Griffith. I remember that she said she was moving back to Germany, and if anyone was ever in the neighbourhood, then they should drop by. When I moved to Germany to live with Britty, I remembered that Sabine said she was moving to the North, so I looked her up, and found that she lives only 50Kms from us.
Today Britty and myself went to visit her, and Terry, and checked out their very nice house. We had a really nice afternoon, a few drinks, and had a great chat. No doubt we will catch up again very soon. I guess it is also true to say that the world is really quite small, and people that use to work at Griffith are all over the globe.

Bye for now!
Today Britty and myself went to visit her, and Terry, and checked out their very nice house. We had a really nice afternoon, a few drinks, and had a great chat. No doubt we will catch up again very soon. I guess it is also true to say that the world is really quite small, and people that use to work at Griffith are all over the globe.

Bye for now!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Go the Broncos!
Great to see that the Broncos made it to the Grand final. Let's hope their record in Grand finals continues, and Brisbane is again the best team in the country.
Now the only difficult thing for me is finding somewhere in Germany to watch the game. Not sure what I am going to do about this yet. I am going to search the web and look for a lifeline, however I am really not confident of finding anything. I guess you never know.
Go Broncos!
Now the only difficult thing for me is finding somewhere in Germany to watch the game. Not sure what I am going to do about this yet. I am going to search the web and look for a lifeline, however I am really not confident of finding anything. I guess you never know.
Go Broncos!
Friday, September 22, 2006
Net Searching
Sitting clicking refresh every minute!
At the moment I am sitting here, clicking the refresh button every few minutes waiting for a score update on the NRL! There is no way you can see the games in Germany, and there is no way to hear it over the web (unless someone knows something i don't). At the moment it looks as if the broncos have gone up by 2! There must only be about 7 or 8 minutes to go. Hold On Broncos!!!!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Poker win! Finally
Well I finally got a win over Britty in Texas Holdem! I took 3 painful defeats in a row, and was determine to get a win on the board! The victory could not have been sweeter! I was dealt a Jack and a 10. The flop brought an Ace, King and Queen! I flopped a straight which left me with the Nuts! I played it well, pretty much committing Britty to all her chips!
Within the next two hands I had all Britty's money! Can't wait until our next match!!! I have to keep up the practice so I can destroy The Ape, and the others back in Aus when I get home!
Bye for now. Scott
Within the next two hands I had all Britty's money! Can't wait until our next match!!! I have to keep up the practice so I can destroy The Ape, and the others back in Aus when I get home!
Bye for now. Scott
Stupid Movie 4
Well tonight Britty and myself decided that we would rent a movie. We went down the video store, and there really wasn't that much to choose from, so we decided it might be funny to have a bit of a laugh, and get Scary Movie 4.
I have to warn everyone that this movie was really really stupid, and silly. It wasn't scary, it was just dumb! I guess I should have known, but I thought it might provide a little bit of entertainment, however I was totally wrong!!! We spent most of the movie, counting down to the end!
Tomorrow night we are heading to Flensburg for one of Britty's friends birthday party. It should be pretty good. Flensburg is right up the top of Germany near the border of Denmark. I am hoping that we can take a bit of a look around.
Maybe tomorrow I will write another post, if not have a good weekend in Australia!
Keep well! Scott
I have to warn everyone that this movie was really really stupid, and silly. It wasn't scary, it was just dumb! I guess I should have known, but I thought it might provide a little bit of entertainment, however I was totally wrong!!! We spent most of the movie, counting down to the end!
Tomorrow night we are heading to Flensburg for one of Britty's friends birthday party. It should be pretty good. Flensburg is right up the top of Germany near the border of Denmark. I am hoping that we can take a bit of a look around.
Maybe tomorrow I will write another post, if not have a good weekend in Australia!
Keep well! Scott
Monday, September 18, 2006
Winter Clothes
Coming from Brisbane Australia, there really isn't much requirement for Winter clothes. Now that the season is changing here, and we are heading into Winter, I decided it was time to go out and buy some Winter clothes. So far I have purchased the following:
One pair of water proof pants, one water proof jacket (white), these from Karstat Sport. Two jumpers on the right hand side are from H&M.
I combined my black jumper with a Bennie that I bought over from Australia. It was a present from the KLM group a few Christmas back. I also was wearing some gloves that Britty's mum gave me. Very Warm.
This is me in the second jumper. This one wasn't a bad pick-up. Looks ok on me, even though when we were looking I thought it might be a bit high on the Gaydar, but it turned out ok.
So far all of these clothes cost me about $200 or about 115 Euro. I will need to buy a full winter jacket, and thinking about some warm shoes. Might just wait until it really starts to get cold before buying these!
Also is strange to think that in a month or two it is going to below freezing a lot of the time! It is going to be a total change!

So far all of these clothes cost me about $200 or about 115 Euro. I will need to buy a full winter jacket, and thinking about some warm shoes. Might just wait until it really starts to get cold before buying these!
Also is strange to think that in a month or two it is going to below freezing a lot of the time! It is going to be a total change!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Training for Work
As many of you will be aware, I am currently doing a bit of physical work, which is of course totally different to my normal day job, in IT. Well today the boss (Heini-Bagger) sent me on some excavator training. You know what everyone says, you need to crawl before you can walk!

This beaste operated on 1 and 2 Euro coins. Maybe one day I can drive the ones that operate on real fuel!

This beaste operated on 1 and 2 Euro coins. Maybe one day I can drive the ones that operate on real fuel!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Physical Work
In IT we pay people to dig and run conduits and pipes into the ground, and for good reason! Today I did some work that required me to help install pipes to a grey water tank (similar to 2 inch conduit for comms), that was buried deep in the ground. The excavator did most of the hard digging, but we were required to connect all the pipes and put a few new holes into the solid concrete tanks.
To say this type of work is exhausting is an understatement. I found myself, digging, pounding dirt with a "Wacker", jack hammering a water tank to put 3 major holes in it, and jumping in and out of the ditches. After the day I am extremely exhausted, and it has left me craving my nice comfy office, with air con, and a fast computer! Hell, even getting my work scrutinised by some type of IT change request board is easy compared to this!
I really don't know how the other guys manage this work daily. It is freaking hard, and I have huge respect for them, doing it day in day out! After just one day I am buggered! Lucky it is only a once a week thing for me, however I some how feel it is going to take me almost a week to recover. At least it is all good experience, and maybe one day this type of experience might be helpful.
To say this type of work is exhausting is an understatement. I found myself, digging, pounding dirt with a "Wacker", jack hammering a water tank to put 3 major holes in it, and jumping in and out of the ditches. After the day I am extremely exhausted, and it has left me craving my nice comfy office, with air con, and a fast computer! Hell, even getting my work scrutinised by some type of IT change request board is easy compared to this!
I really don't know how the other guys manage this work daily. It is freaking hard, and I have huge respect for them, doing it day in day out! After just one day I am buggered! Lucky it is only a once a week thing for me, however I some how feel it is going to take me almost a week to recover. At least it is all good experience, and maybe one day this type of experience might be helpful.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Random Comments!
It isn't like me to write a post like this, however I really can't just sit back and not say anything. I have thought about making random comments before but just never got around to it.
Most Australian's that I know who live overseas keep a track of what is going on back home. When I woke last week and found 3 instant messages telling me to check the news I too was stunned that The Croc Hunter had been killed. What a sad moment for Australia. This was also big news in Germany. Newspapers, TV, and radio all relayed the news. The Croc Hunter was very well known in Germany, and most people I know were also shocked. The legacy will live on!
Being a Holden fan I also have to pay tribute to Peter Perfect. The guy was a winner, and a legend of the sport.
I am also happy that Josh and my mate, Pete B (for those of you that remember Josh and I met the Premier in the city one night), was returned as the Premier of QLD. There really was no other option, but I also put this down to Pete's dynamic leadership over the past years. The labour party decimated the other side in
previous elections, leaving them with only a handful of sitting members. As a result it means they have problems producing anything of significance. Maybe if they change their strategy from slander and criticism to producing some viable alternative, they may one day gain back some votes.
There is lots of Poker on TV in Deutschland! When I first got to Germany, I also seemed to win heads up poker matches against Britty. Now she is on a run, and has beaten me 3 times in a row!
It was 5 years ago that September 11th shocked most of us. I clearly remember watching the TV that night, and seeing the 2nd plane hit the tower. I remember walking into work the next day, and hearing almost nothing. A university that was usually busy with people was quite, you could almost hear a pin drop. No one was talking, most people looked stunned. It was a very weird feeling.
On the weekend my team, the Broncos, failed to win another finals match in the NRL. This means they have failed to win one for at least 3 seasons. When they do finally win one, watch out!

The Brisbane Bullets basketball team finally look like they have put together a winning team. Maybe this season will be better for the Bullets, provided that Burton plays up to expectation, and injuries don't stuff it for us!
On the topic of basketball, Andy and myself have a new favourite for “Dancing with the Stars”. None other than our most favourite player of all time, Andrew Gaze! I am really really disappointed (of course) that I am not in Australia to see it. Maybe some good people out there could tape for me and send it on. I would be really keen to see Gaze falling on his arse, and complaining to the judges that he was pushed by a Bullets player!
Since I have been in Germany, I have heard many Australian songs on the radio that most Brisbane radio stations no longer play. The first time I heard Vanessa Amorosi's I was shocked, but I was more shocked when I heard 3 of her songs during one work day!
I think most people in Australia have seen those dodgey adds where they try to entice single males to call special numbers to speak to “girls”. In Germany those adds take it to the next level with almost full nudity after 10pm at night.
That's about it for now. When I think of more random comments I will post them. Feel free to make a comment. Bye for now. Scott
The Brisbane Bullets basketball team finally look like they have put together a winning team. Maybe this season will be better for the Bullets, provided that Burton plays up to expectation, and injuries don't stuff it for us!
I think most people in Australia have seen those dodgey adds where they try to entice single males to call special numbers to speak to “girls”. In Germany those adds take it to the next level with almost full nudity after 10pm at night.
That's about it for now. When I think of more random comments I will post them. Feel free to make a comment. Bye for now. Scott
Sunday, September 10, 2006
I have upgraded
Well I took the plunge and decided to upgrade to the new Blogger beta. If anyone has any problems viewing the site, please feel free to make a comment.
The new layout features really look good, and it seems to be integrated with gmail, and other google services. I also really love the new spellchecker. Much much better especially for someone like me that can't spell for sh+_.
The new layout features really look good, and it seems to be integrated with gmail, and other google services. I also really love the new spellchecker. Much much better especially for someone like me that can't spell for sh+_.
Mallorca - Part #3
Here is the final installment of the photos from Mallorca. These photos are from our final few days on the beautiful Spanish Island.
We decided to head to a beach on the west coast of the Island that was recommended in my Loney Planet Travel Guide. The beach was located at Cala Mondrago, but on the way we stopped at Porto Cristo. This was a nice little beach town, that was full with tourists. This is the beach at the port, with many beautiful houses on the mountain above. We decided we wouldn't swim here, because it was just too busy.
Another picture of the port at Porto Cristo. As with all of the ports on Mallorca, they are filled with expensive boats. Maybe next time we go there we take a boat cruise.
Next we moved onto Cala Mondrago, the beach that we had planned to visit. It was just as the travel guide had described, however a little more touristy then I expected. I guess anywhere you go in Mallorca in August is going to be busy. The water here was beautiful, crystal clear, and perfect temperature.
At Cala Mondrago you were able to walk around to the beach on the other side of the rocks. This was the view from the walk way looking out to sea.
The following day we decided to go to the very popular (especially with German tourists) El Arenal . Going out here is similar to being in Germany, the clubs play only German music, and most of the people are German tourists. It was quite interesting, but not my favorite place on the island. The beach though is however spectacular, with a great view to the capital Palma.
I also took a few photos from around the house. As I have said previously the house was great. This was the dining area.
This is Bello. He was a very funny dog. The funniest thing was he use to love to go for a walk, collect rocks, and place them infront of the neighbours fence. Lets say he wasn't too happy about it.
The view from our room, when we moved up stairs after a few days. Is very very nice. Would love to wake up to this everyday.
Well that just about does it for the photos from Mallorca. We all had a great time, and it was really really difficult leaving and coming back to rain and cold! I really hope we can do it again in the future.
Bye for now.

Well that just about does it for the photos from Mallorca. We all had a great time, and it was really really difficult leaving and coming back to rain and cold! I really hope we can do it again in the future.
Bye for now.
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