Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Britty and Frankfurt Germany

After 14 weeks of counting down the months, days, minutes, hours, and seconds I was finally reunited with Britty in Frankfurt. This 14 week period seemed to last forever! Each day at work was like extracting teeth, no actually extracting teeth was more fun (yes I had my wisdom teeth out during March).

When I stepped off the plane in Frankfurt, my heart was beating faster. The walk from the gate to Customs seemed to take forever (I guess it was about 600 or 700m). When I finally got there I saw a huge line, but then I realised it was for EU Nationals. The other line for non EU Nationals was very short. After getting through Customs I found my way to the baggage collection section.

After about 35 minutes standing around, watching, waiting and becoming a little impatient, my bag finally appeared in front of me! I collected it (all 28kgs of it), and then headed toward the door. The sliding door opened and I could see Britty!!! There she was, beautiful, smiling, and as gorgeous as ever! It was a surreal feeling when we hugged, it was like a dream, but better than a dream because it was real. One of the reasons for traveling to Germany is of course to travel, but the number one reason for me coming here is to be with my beautiful girlfriend!

While in Frankfurt we walked around the city, and saw some of the sites. Frankfurt is a nice city, quite large, with some beautiful old buildings, green parks, as well as some high rise buildings. The weather in Frankfurt for my arrival wasn't too bad, but we did get a little rain.

I had a great weekend catching up with Britty, and seeing Frankfurt. Here are some of our photos.

Me and Britty taking a self photo!

Typical German Street, but with only 1 BMW

Frankfurt Skyline

Beautiful green park that we walked through on the way to the city.

Large Church in the distance

Britty showing off some earrings I bought for her in Singapore

Streets of Frankfurt with lots of tourists

View from our hotel room. Bit of a dodge area!

Fountain at the Frankfurt Opera House

After our 2 night stay in Frankfurt, we needed to drive to Kiel by 5pm Sunday so Britty could get to work. Britty had borrowed her Dad's Audi for the trip down, and on the way back I got to drive on the "wrong" side of the road for the first time. At first it was strange, but I am getting use to it.

I also got my first taste of the German Autobahn. On the way back I managed to crack the 200km/hour mark in an unlimited zone. You can certainly get from A to B pretty quick on those roads!!!

Keep Well. Scott


Dubai Saver said...

Cool photos! I wish I got out more to take some.

It would be great to go to Germany and visit you guys. I definately wanna do this hey. I'll take a week some day and do it. Jut don't know when, I already got some things planned.

Sept - I wanna go back to Australia

Oct - Probably got Thomas K coming here to visit! Cool hey.

Dec - Wanna go to Singapore and spend Xmas there.

Jan - Normally we have the company kickoff, planning week, in some other country to go to. Not sure where it is yet, am hoping it's on an island in Thailand, that would be sweet. That beats the annual planning day the network team got at Griffith, haha.

Feb - Might go to Nepal visit my sponsor children. Hmm, otherwise I want to go to Cambodia.

May - Go to Australia for my birthday and Singapore on way back.

After that I am free, crap! The year is over then and you won't be in Germany... or will you :) Man, I have to fit this in. Ok, maybe in March/April 2007 I can go for a week? Or I might postpone my Feb trip and go to Germany instead, I think that might be better.

Anyways I will let you know when the time is closer hey! While I am close by, I have to visit you guys! Let me know when is the best climate to visit, I wouldn't have a clue, we just got one weather forecast here for the year, sunny and friggin hot, haha. But then I can go to the mall and go snowboarding on the weekend, as if I'm in Switzerland :)

Scotto said...

Hey Dave, the option is always there to come and visit us. We have enough space, and Feb/March would suit well.

Looks like your year is going to fly by pretty quick. I like the sound of the team planning day. I wish GU could have sent NCS to Thailand for a planning day!! Logan Campus doesn't quite match up.

My Year is also looking pretty full.

June 06 - World Cup watching, and hopefully another trip to Hamburg to one of the areas setup for 50,000 people to watch live matches on the big screens!

July 06 - Finish world cup. Work, and Chad coming from Austraila and us taking off to Prague, and partying in Berlin.

August 06 - Work, and 11 day trip to Majorca spain.

Sept - Oktoberfest, and possible trip to see Anne and Scott in London.

Oct - Jan - nothing really planned as yet. Christmas at Britty's, and maybe new year in Berlin.

Feb - March. David coming from Dubai!

You can see your entry is already in!!

Bye for now.

Dubai Saver said...

Sweeeet! Feb-Mar sounds great! I will pencil it in! Hopefully if I have enough frequent flyer points I can get a free flight there and back, sweet! Is so great we can just travel around, so convenient. Australia is just so far from anywhere...! Make the most of it hey. Yeah, I can go to Nepal anytime I guess, is just 2-3 hr flight from here, so I can book that anytime, so will postpone it.

Hopefully Feb-Mar will work out, as I never quite know what the future holds... but that's the great thing about this adventure :)

Such a pity I left Singapore too early to meet you, or Giscard/Valentina. They could not wait any longer for me here in Dubai. But I think Dubai is more exciting to visit then Singapore. Is a totally different experience.

Hey, also email Thomas, you never know if/when his company may send him to Germany, he can pop in! He was in Germany a while ago I believe...?

Cool then, is settled. Pencil me in :) Hey you should add it to your google calendar I might start using it... another great product from google. Those guys never cease to amaze me, I could not live without my gmail, gtalk, gchat, blogsite etc! It makes keeping contact a lot easier.
